Gothenburg Cardiac Arrest Registry Machine Learning Studies
Clinical Prediction models developed by GOCARES

Welcome to GOCARES
GOCARES is a research project at the University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Research group
PI: Araz Rawshani, Registerhållare Svenska Hjärt-Lungräddningsregistret, Kardiologen Sahlgrenska
Collaborators: Johan Herlitz, Peter Lundgren, Björn Redfors, Elmir Omerovic
Johan Herlitz (johan.herliz@hb.se), professor pre-hospital akutsjukvård och kardiologi
Johan Lorentzon (johan.lorentzon@gu.se), specialistläkare, doktorand
Fredrik Hessulf (fredrik.hessulf@vgregion.se), specialistläkare, doktorand
Carl Magnusson (carl.m.magnusson@vgregion.se), sjuksköterska, post-doc
George Lappas (george.lappas@gu.se), senior statistiker
Pedram Sultanian (pedram.sultanian@gu.se), ST-läkare, doktorand
Edvin Helleryd (edvin.helleryd@gu.se), underläkare, blivande doktorand
Björn Granelli, läkarstuderande, forskarassistent
Linnea Gustafsson (linnea.gustafsson@vgregion.se), specialistläkare, doktorand
Daniella Isaksén (daniella.isaksen@vgregion.se), specialistläkare, blivande doktorand
Arvid Gustafsson (arvid.gustafsson@gu.se), forskaramanuens, läkarstudent
Ellen Dejby (ellen.dejby@gu.se), forskaramanuens, läkarstudent
Sara Berglund (sara.berglund@gu.se), forskarassistent, läkarstudent
Gustaf Hellsén (gustaf.hellsen@gu.se), forskaramanuens, läkarstudent
Astrid Holm (astrid.holm@gu.se), AT-läkare, forskare
Matilda Jerkeman (matilda.jerkeman@gu.se), AT-läkare, forskare
Emma Aune (emma.aune@gu.se), amanuens, läkarstudent
[The role of prehospital emergency care in Sweden has changed – patient safety has become a key issue].Herlitz J, Magnusson C, Andersson Hagiwara M, Lundgren P, Larsson G, Rawshani A, Axelsson C.Lakartidningen. 2021 Nov 30;118:21119.PMID: 34861043 Swedish.
Cohort study of the characteristics and outcomes in patients with COVID-19 and in-hospital cardiac arrest.Holm A, Jerkeman M, Sultanian P, Lundgren P, Ravn-Fischer A, Israelsson J, Giesecke J, Herlitz J, Rawshani A.BMJ Open. 2021 Nov 30;11(11):e054943. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054943.PMID: 34848525 Free PMC article.
Inequalities in Income and Education are Associated with Survival Differences after Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Observational Study.Jonsson M, Härkönen J, Ljungman P, Nordberg P, Ringh M, Hirlekar G, Rawshani A, Herlitz J, Ljung R, Hollenberg J.Circulation. 2021 Nov 12. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056012. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34767462 Free article.
Treatment and survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest: does patient ethnicity matter?Agerström J, Carlsson M, Bremer A, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Årestedt K, Israelsson J.Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2021 Sep 15:zvab079. doi: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvab079. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34524428
The BAriatic surgery SUbstitution and nutrition (BASUN) population: a data-driven exploration of predictors for obesity.Höskuldsdóttir G, Engström M, Rawshani A, Wallenius V, Lenér F, Fändriks L, Mossberg K, Eliasson B.BMC Endocr Disord. 2021 Sep 10;21(1):183. doi: 10.1186/s12902-021-00849-9.PMID: 34507573 Free PMC article.
Identification of markers that distinguish adipose tissue and glucose and insulin metabolism using a multi-modal machine learning approach.Henninger J, Eliasson B, Smith U, Rawshani A.Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 23;11(1):17050. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95688-y.PMID: 34426590 Free PMC article.
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Characteristics and outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with the emphasis on workplaces: an observational study from the Swedish Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Bylow H, Rawshani A, Claesson A, Lepp M, Herlitz J.Resusc Plus. 2021 Feb 18;5:100090. doi: 10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100090. eCollection 2021 Mar.PMID: 34223355 Free PMC article.
Trajectories in HbA1c and other risk factors among adults with type 1 diabetes by age at onset.Edqvist J, Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Adiels M, Franzén S, Bjorck L, Svensson AM, Lind M, Sattar N, Rosengren A.BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021 May;9(1):e002187. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002187.PMID: 34059526 Free PMC article.
Severe COVID-19 in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Sweden: A nationwide retrospective cohort study.Rawshani A, Kjölhede EA, Rawshani A, Sattar N, Eeg-Olofsson K, Adiels M, Ludvigsson J, Lindh M, Gisslén M, Hagberg E, Lappas G, Eliasson B, Rosengren A.Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2021 May;4:100105. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100105. Epub 2021 Apr 30.PMID: 33969336 Free PMC article.
Effects of nutrition education using a food-based approach, carbohydrate counting or routine care in type 1 diabetes: 12 months prospective randomized trial.Sterner Isaksson S, Bensow Bacos M, Eliasson B, Thors Adolfsson E, Rawshani A, Lindblad U, Jendle J, Berglund A, Lind M, Axelsen M.BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021 Mar;9(1):e001971. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001971.PMID: 33789909 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.
Handling time elements for in-hospital cardiac arrest.Sultanian P, Lundgren P, Herlitz J, Rawshani A.Eur Heart J. 2021 Apr 14;42(15):1530-1531. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab163.PMID: 33755105 Free PMC article. No abstract available.
National coverage of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests using automated external defibrillator-equipped drones – A geographical information system analysis.Schierbeck S, Nord A, Svensson L, Rawshani A, Hollenberg J, Ringh M, Forsberg S, Nordberg P, Hilding F, Claesson A.Resuscitation. 2021 Jun;163:136-145. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.02.040.
Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality.Jenkins DJA, Dehghan M, Mente A, Bangdiwala SI, Rangarajan S, Srichaikul K, Mohan V, Avezum A, Díaz R, Rosengren A, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Li W, Oguz A, Khatib R, Poirier P, Mohammadifard N, Pepe A, Alhabib KF, Chifamba J, Yusufali AH, Iqbal R, Yeates K, Yusoff K, Ismail N, Teo K, Swaminathan S, Liu X, Zatońska K, Yusuf R, Yusuf S; PURE Study Investigators.N Engl J Med. 2021 Apr 8;384(14):1312-1322. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2007123. Epub 2021 Feb 24.PMID: 33626252
Cardiac arrest in COVID-19: characteristics and outcomes of in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A report from the Swedish Registry for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Sultanian P, Lundgren P, Strömsöe A, Aune S, Bergström G, Hagberg E, Hollenberg J, Lindqvist J, Djärv T, Castelheim A, Thorén A, Hessulf F, Svensson L, Claesson A, Friberg H, Nordberg P, Omerovic E, Rosengren A, Herlitz J, Rawshani A.Eur Heart J. 2021 Mar 14;42(11):1094-1106. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa1067.PMID: 33543259 Free PMC article.
The influence of age and gender on delay to treatment and its association with survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest.Al-Dury N, Rawshani A, Karlsson T, Herlitz J, Ravn-Fischer A.Am J Emerg Med. 2021 Apr;42:198-202. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2020.11.033. Epub 2020 Nov 18.PMID: 33234358 No abstract available.
Changes over time in 30-day survival and the incidence of shockable rhythms after in-hospital cardiac arrest – A population-based registry study of nearly 24,000 cases.Adielsson A, Djärv T, Rawshani A, Lundin S, Herlitz J.Resuscitation. 2020 Dec;157:135-140. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.10.015. Epub 2020 Oct 24.PMID: 33191207
Shortening Ambulance Response Time Increases Survival in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.Holmén J, Herlitz J, Ricksten SE, Strömsöe A, Hagberg E, Axelsson C, Rawshani A.J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 Nov 3;9(21):e017048. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017048. Epub 2020 Oct 27.PMID: 33107394 Free PMC article.
A national observation study of cancer incidence and mortality risks in type 2 diabetes compared to the background population over time.Bjornsdottir HH, Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Franzén S, Svensson AM, Sattar N, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Sci Rep. 2020 Oct 15;10(1):17376. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73668-y.PMID: 33060631 Free PMC article.
Survival after dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Riva G, Jonsson M, Ringh M, Claesson A, Djärv T, Forsberg S, Nordberg P, Rubertsson S, Rawshani A, Nord A, Hollenberg J.Resuscitation. 2020 Dec;157:195-201. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.08.125. Epub 2020 Sep 10.PMID: 32918983
Adherence to guidelines is associated with improved survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest.Hessulf F, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Aune S, Israelsson J, Södersved-Källestedt ML, Nordberg P, Lundgren P, Engdahl J.Resuscitation. 2020 Oct;155:13-21. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.07.009. Epub 2020 Jul 21.PMID: 32707144
Identifying the relative importance of predictors of survival in out of hospital cardiac arrest: a machine learning study.Al-Dury N, Ravn-Fischer A, Hollenberg J, Israelsson J, Nordberg P, Strömsöe A, Axelsson C, Herlitz J, Rawshani A.Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2020 Jun 25;28(1):60. doi: 10.1186/s13049-020-00742-9.PMID: 32586339
Adipose tissue morphology, imaging and metabolomics predicting cardiometabolic risk and family history of type 2 diabetes in non-obese men.Rawshani A, Eliasson B, Rawshani A, Henninger J, Mardinoglu A, Carlsson Å, Sohlin M, Ljungberg M, Hammarstedt A, Rosengren A, Smith U.Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 19;10(1):9973. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66199-z.PMID: 32561768 Free PMC article.
Health-related quality of life after surviving an out-of-hospital compared to an in-hospital cardiac arrest: A Swedish population-based registry study.Djärv T, Bremer A, Herlitz J, Israelsson J, Cronberg T, Lilja G, Rawshani A, Årestedt K.Resuscitation. 2020 Jun;151:77-84. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.04.002. Epub 2020 Apr 12.PMID: 32294490
ECG-monitoring of in-hospital cardiac arrest and factors associated with survival.Thorén A, Rawshani A, Herlitz J, Engdahl J, Kahan T, Gustafsson L, Djärv T.Resuscitation. 2020 May;150:130-138. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.03.002. Epub 2020 Mar 21.PMID: 32209378
Cardiac arrest after pulmonary aspiration in hospitalised patients: a national observational study.Albert M, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Ringh M, Claesson A, Djärv T, Nordberg P.BMJ Open. 2020 Mar 19;10(3):e032264. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032264.PMID: 32198299 Free PMC article.
Comorbidity and bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Hirlekar G, Jonsson M, Karlsson T, Bäck M, Rawshani A, Hollenberg J, Albertsson P, Herlitz J.Heart. 2020 Jul;106(14):1087-1093. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315954. Epub 2020 Jan 23.PMID: 31974211 Free PMC article.
Contrasting Associations of Body Mass Index and Hemoglobin A1c on the Excess Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.Edqvist J, Rawshani A, Adiels M, Björck L, Lind M, Svensson AM, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Sattar N, Rosengren A.J Am Heart Assoc. 2019 Dec 17;8(24):e013871. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013871. Epub 2019 Dec 10.PMID: 31818213 Free PMC article.
Response by Sattar et al to Letters Regarding Article, ”Age at Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Associations With Cardiovascular and Mortality Risks”.Sattar N, Rawshani A, Franzen S.Circulation. 2019 Oct 15;140(16):e724-e725. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.042457. Epub 2019 Oct 14.PMID: 31609663 No abstract available.
Correction to: Short-term progression of cardiometabolic risk factors in relation to age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis: a longitudinal observational study of 100,606 individuals from the Swedish National Diabetes Register.Steinarsson AO, Rawshani A, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Franzén S, Svensson AM, Sattar N.Diabetologia. 2019 Nov;62(11):2166-2167. doi: 10.1007/s00125-019-04992-w.PMID: 31478082 Free PMC article.
BMI, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: Findings Against an Obesity Paradox.Edqvist J, Rawshani A, Adiels M, Björck L, Lind M, Svensson AM, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Sattar N, Rosengren A.Diabetes Care. 2019 Jul;42(7):1297-1304. doi: 10.2337/dc18-1446. Epub 2019 May 2.PMID: 31048408
Age at Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Associations With Cardiovascular and Mortality Risks.Sattar N, Rawshani A, Franzén S, Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Rosengren A, McGuire DK, Eliasson B, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Circulation. 2019 May 7;139(19):2228-2237. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037885.PMID: 30955347
Excess mortality and cardiovascular disease risk in type 1 diabetes – Authors’ reply.Rawshani A, Sattar N, Franzén S, Rawshani A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Lancet. 2019 Mar 9;393(10175):985-986. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)33061-7.PMID: 30860049 No abstract available.
Relative Prognostic Importance and Optimal Levels of Risk Factors for Mortality and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Sattar N, Franzén S, McGuire DK, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Zethelius B, Miftaraj M, Rosengren A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Circulation. 2019 Apr 16;139(16):1900-1912. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037454.PMID: 30798638 Free article.
Smoking and Other Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.N Engl J Med. 2018 Dec 27;379(26):2575. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1812842.PMID: 30586516 No abstract available.
Pulseless electrical activity is associated with improved survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with initial non-shockable rhythm.Bergström M, Schmidbauer S, Herlitz J, Rawshani A, Friberg H.Resuscitation. 2018 Dec;133:147-152. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2018.10.018. Epub 2018 Oct 21.PMID: 30352246
Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with area-level socioeconomic status.Jonsson M, Härkönen J, Ljungman P, Rawshani A, Nordberg P, Svensson L, Herlitz J, Hollenberg J.Heart. 2019 Apr;105(8):632-638. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2018-313838. Epub 2018 Oct 16.PMID: 30327393
Excess mortality and cardiovascular disease in young adults with type 1 diabetes in relation to age at onset: a nationwide, register-based cohort study.Rawshani A, Sattar N, Franzén S, Rawshani A, Hattersley AT, Svensson AM, Eliasson B, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Lancet. 2018 Aug 11;392(10146):477-486. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31506-X. Epub 2018 Aug 9.PMID: 30129464 Free PMC article.
Risk Factors, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Franzén S, Sattar N, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Zethelius B, Miftaraj M, McGuire DK, Rosengren A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.N Engl J Med. 2018 Aug 16;379(7):633-644. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1800256.PMID: 30110583 Free article.
Excess risk of hospitalisation for heart failure among people with type 2 diabetes.Rosengren A, Edqvist J, Rawshani A, Sattar N, Franzén S, Adiels M, Svensson AM, Lind M, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Diabetologia. 2018 Nov;61(11):2300-2309. doi: 10.1007/s00125-018-4700-5. Epub 2018 Aug 9.PMID: 30094466 Free PMC article
Short-term progression of cardiometabolic risk factors in relation to age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis: a longitudinal observational study of 100,606 individuals from the Swedish National Diabetes Register.Steinarsson AO, Rawshani A, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Franzén S, Svensson AM, Sattar N.Diabetologia. 2018 Mar;61(3):599-606. doi: 10.1007/s00125-017-4532-8. Epub 2018 Jan 9.PMID: 29318343 Free PMC article.
BMI and Mortality in Patients With New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes: A Comparison With Age- and Sex-Matched Control Subjects From the General Population.Edqvist J, Rawshani A, Adiels M, Björck L, Lind M, Svensson AM, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Sattar N, Rosengren A.Diabetes Care. 2018 Mar;41(3):485-493. doi: 10.2337/dc17-1309. Epub 2018 Jan 3.PMID: 29298801
Association between use of pre-hospital ECG and 30-day mortality: A large cohort study of patients experiencing chest pain.Rawshani N, Rawshani A, Gelang C, Herlitz J, Bång A, Andersson JO, Gellerstedt M.Int J Cardiol. 2017 Dec 1;248:77-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.06.032. Epub 2017 Aug 30.PMID: 28864133
Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.N Engl J Med. 2017 Jul 20;377(3):300-301. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1706292.PMID: 28723317 No abstract available.
Metabolic characteristics of individuals at a high risk of type 2 diabetes – a comparative cross-sectional study.Henninger J, Rawshani A, Hammarstedt A, Eliasson B.BMC Endocr Disord. 2017 Jul 14;17(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s12902-017-0191-5.PMID: 28705209 Free PMC article.
Characteristics and outcome among 14,933 adult cases of in-hospital cardiac arrest: A nationwide study with the emphasis on gender and age.Al-Dury N, Rawshani A, Israelsson J, Strömsöe A, Aune S, Agerström J, Karlsson T, Ravn-Fischer A, Herlitz J.Am J Emerg Med. 2017 Dec;35(12):1839-1844. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.06.012. Epub 2017 Jun 7.PMID: 28624147
Range of Risk Factor Levels: Control, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Franzén S, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Miftaraj M, McGuire DK, Sattar N, Rosengren A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Circulation. 2017 Apr 18;135(16):1522-1531. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.025961. Epub 2017 Feb 22.PMID: 28416524 Free PMC article.
Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Rawshani A, Franzén S, Eliasson B, Svensson AM, Miftaraj M, McGuire DK, Sattar N, Rosengren A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.N Engl J Med. 2017 Apr 13;376(15):1407-1418. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1608664.PMID: 28402770
Type 1 diabetes mellitus.Katsarou A, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Rawshani A, Dabelea D, Bonifacio E, Anderson BJ, Jacobsen LM, Schatz DA, Lernmark Å.Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017 Mar 30;3:17016. doi: 10.1038/nrdp.2017.16.PMID: 28358037 Review.
Cephalic phase of insulin secretion in response to a meal is unrelated to family history of type 2 diabetes.Eliasson B, Rawshani A, Axelsen M, Hammarstedt A, Smith U.PLoS One. 2017 Mar 13;12(3):e0173654. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173654. eCollection 2017.PMID: 28288176 Free PMC article.
Emergency medical dispatch priority in chest pain patients due to life threatening conditions: A cohort study examining circadian variations and impact of the education.Rawshani A, Rawshani N, Gelang C, Andersson JO, Larsson A, Bång A, Herlitz J, Gellerstedt M.Int J Cardiol. 2017 Jun 1;236:43-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.02.047. Epub 2017 Feb 16.PMID: 28237735
Could prioritisation by emergency medicine dispatchers be improved by using computer-based decision support? A cohort of patients with chest pain.Gellerstedt M, Rawshani N, Herlitz J, Bång A, Gelang C, Andersson JO, Larsson A, Rawshani A.Int J Cardiol. 2016 Oct 1;220:734-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.06.281. Epub 2016 Jun 29.PMID: 27393857
Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Zethelius B, Eliasson B, Rosengren A, Gudbjörnsdottir S.JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Aug 1;176(8):1146-54. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2940.PMID: 27367969
Indications for Insulin Pump Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes and Associations With Glycemic Control.Jendle JH, Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Avdic T, Gudbjörnsdóttir S.J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2016 Aug 22;10(5):1027-33. doi: 10.1177/1932296816650209. Print 2016 Sep.PMID: 27226388 Free PMC article.
Association Between Use of Lipid-Lowering Therapy and Cardiovascular Diseases and Death in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes.Hero C, Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Franzén S, Eliasson B, Eeg-Olofsson K, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Diabetes Care. 2016 Jun;39(6):996-1003. doi: 10.2337/dc15-2450. Epub 2016 Apr 18.PMID: 27208327
Recent trends in life expectancy for people with type 1 diabetes in Sweden.Petrie D, Lung TW, Rawshani A, Palmer AJ, Svensson AM, Eliasson B, Clarke P.Diabetologia. 2016 Jun;59(6):1167-76. doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-3914-7. Epub 2016 Apr 5.PMID: 27044338
Could ten questions asked by the dispatch center predict the outcome for patients with chest discomfort?Rawshani N, Rawshani A, Gelang C, Herlitz J, Bång A, Andersson JO, Gellerstedt M.Int J Cardiol. 2016 Apr 15;209:223-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.02.011. Epub 2016 Feb 2.PMID: 26897074
Metabolic predictors of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in a predisposed population–A prospective cohort study.Henninger J, Hammarstedt A, Rawshani A, Eliasson B.BMC Endocr Disord. 2015 Sep 25;15:51. doi: 10.1186/s12902-015-0048-8.PMID: 26407933 Free PMC article.
Long-term excess risk of heart failure in people with type 1 diabetes: a prospective case-control study.Rosengren A, Vestberg D, Svensson AM, Kosiborod M, Clements M, Rawshani A, Pivodic A, Gudbjörnsdottir S, Lind M.Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015 Nov;3(11):876-85. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00292-2. Epub 2015 Sep 18.PMID: 26388415
Insulin pump therapy, multiple daily injections, and cardiovascular mortality in 18,168 people with type 1 diabetes: observational study.Steineck I, Cederholm J, Eliasson B, Rawshani A, Eeg-Olofsson K, Svensson AM, Zethelius B, Avdic T, Landin-Olsson M, Jendle J, Gudbjörnsdóttir S; Swedish National Diabetes Register.BMJ. 2015 Jun 22;350:h3234. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h3234.PMID: 26100640 Free PMC article.
Impact of ethnicity on progress of glycaemic control in 131,935 newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide observational study from the Swedish National Diabetes Register.Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Rosengren A, Zethelius B, Eliasson B, Gudbjörnsdottir S.BMJ Open. 2015 Jun 5;5(6):e007599. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007599.PMID: 26048210 Free PMC article.
Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in 24,947 Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes.Rawshani A, Svensson AM, Rosengren A, Eliasson B, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Diabetes Care. 2015 Aug;38(8):1518-27. doi: 10.2337/dc15-0145. Epub 2015 May 13.PMID: 25972573
Characteristics and outcome among patients who dial for the EMS due to chest pain.Rawshani A, Larsson A, Gelang C, Lindqvist J, Gellerstedt M, Bång A, Herlitz J.Int J Cardiol. 2014 Oct 20;176(3):859-65. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.08.004. Epub 2014 Aug 8.PMID: 25176629
The incidence of diabetes among 0-34 year olds in Sweden: new data and better methods.Rawshani A, Landin-Olsson M, Svensson AM, Nyström L, Arnqvist HJ, Bolinder J, Gudbjörnsdottir S.Diabetologia. 2014 Jul;57(7):1375-81. doi: 10.1007/s00125-014-3225-9. Epub 2014 Apr 9.PMID: 24710965 Free PMC article.
Characteristics of and outcome for patients with chest pain in relation to transport by the emergency medical services in a 20-year perspective.Thang ND, Karlson BW, Bergman B, Santos M, Karlsson T, Bengtson A, Johanson P, Rawshani A, Herlitz J.Am J Emerg Med. 2012 Nov;30(9):1788-95. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2012.02.014. Epub 2012 May 23.PMID: 22633724
Patients admitted to hospital with chest pain–changes in a 20-year perspective.Thang ND, Karlson BW, Bergman B, Santos M, Karlsson T, Bengtson A, Johanson P, Rawshani A, Herlitz J.Int J Cardiol. 2013 Jun 5;166(1):141-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.10.014. Epub 2011 Nov 8.PMID: 22071042